News, Interviews & Press

I am delighted to announce I will receive funding from Arts Council England to launch my combined arts project to explore the legacy of Lorina Bulwer, a Victorian woman incarcerated in a Great Yarmouth workhouse lunatic ward, who created long needlework samplers to record her rage and indignation at her situation.

The project will be as follows:

A re-creation of her famous tapestry with modern voices of women with mental health difficulties.

A series of autobiographical writing workshops and its publication, partnering with @red_herring_press

Complaints Choir is a series of voice and singing workshops and performance that invites people to sing about their complaints.

An organised group tidy up of Lorina’s grave with celebrations of her life including poetry, art, song, and story

Women Cinemakers Magazine has interviewed me about my film Bedlamb, a documentary asking ordinary people about madness. To read the whole magazine, click here To read my article, click here.

I worked with Hospital Rooms and have done a zine workshop video for their Digital Art School.


This Study Room Guide on Madness, Mad Pride & Questioning Normality was initially commissioned by LADA in 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic delayed its publishing and printing, and its final review occurred in early 2024.

The guide takes the form of reflections on the power of language relating to mental health conditions, the tyranny of normality, double consciousness, and much more. It contains a list of artists whose work centres on themes relevant to this guide, as well as in-depth interviews with three artists: Bobby Baker, The Vacuum Cleaner (James Ledbitter) and Rebekah Ubuntu. There is also a reference list where you can find the work each artist mentions.

Click on image to access guide

The book I compiled on Queer mental health survivor accounts is out now

You can buy it for £10 plus £3 p&p at

I was interviewed by Insights of Eco Artist about my activist artist

I have been commissioned to produce a permanent outdoor sculpture by Hospital Rooms for their Hellesdon Hospital Project

An old article but one I haven’t mentioned here, but I am mentioned in

I was commission by Dadafest to write a piece on human rights to mark the 75th anniversary of Universal Declaration of human rights.

My polemical exploration of madness, material, and the life of Lorina Bulwer – a needleworker incarcerated in the “female lunatic ward” of great yarmouth workhouse from 1893 to 1912, who made thunderous embroideries that scorn, rage and gossip about life in the town & workhouse.#1 in the kitwijk series, focusing on overlooked, and wilfully ignored, histories in yarmouth.£2.50 plus shipping, get here:

April 2021 – I am thrilled to be one of the recipients of this Unlimited award. My project ‘Birdsong From Inobservable Worlds’ will use literature, performance and film to add missing voices to the current archives of madness. For more info, go to:

On 23rd Sept 2020, I ‘sectioned’ the DWP for being a danger to itself and others. We talked about those who have died due to DWP policies such as Jodey Whiting whose wonderful mum was present and people like Errol Graham who starved to death when their benefits were stopped.

This was part of my project, funded by Future’s Venture. Image by Grace Gelder.

My next zine ‘Piss Off With Your Pain, You Peasants’ a reaction to NICE’s consideration of removing painkillers from people in chronic pain. It has some other amazing contributions. It is £4 including p&p via paypal at

My first zine in decades is now out. My sex positions for the older creaky lesbian. If you would like a copy, it is £3.50, which includes P&P. Email me at for more info.

Go to for more info

I curated a series of articles on the social and political influences on mental health called ‘broken hearts not broken brains’ for the Wellcome Collection website.Read more at

Will be at the Wellcome Collection offering anti-social prescribing sessions and collecting for my charity ‘Help the Normals’

For more info

My work is part of the Empathy Clinic hosted by The Big Anxiety Festival in Sydney, Australia. Go to to learn more.

guardian interview dolly sen

I was interviewed for The Guardian regarding my artwork in the permanent exhibition ‘Being Human’ at the Wellcome Collection. You can read about it here

huck article dolly sen
Article on my ‘Art & Protest’ Exhibition.

Huck Magazine’s review of the Art & Protest Exhibition I curated.

dolly sen psychologist
Review of Exhibition I Curated

Review of the exhibition I curated in the publication ‘The Psychologist’. Click here to read it.

I am in a film talking about my ‘Help the Normals’ piece for the Wellcome Collection’s ‘Being Human’ exhibition. Click here to see it

wellcome film
Help the Normals Film

I am making a documentary called ‘BEDLAMB’ on a bed surrounded by cuddly sheep toys, asking people their views on madness/mental distress, what it is and why people are becoming increasingly mentally distressed. I will doing it in 2 places in Sept. 
I will be at the Bethlem Gallery on the 6th Set between 5-7pm. The Gallery is based in Beckenham, Kent.
Then I will be in Great Yarmouth on the 14th Sept during the day in the town centre, library and beach. 
If you want to be interviewed for the film, drop me a at


dolly sen psychologist

I was interviewed in a podcast about mental health, trauma, psychosis, psychiatry and diagnosis for Edwina Grosvenor

I was interviewed for an article on joyful activism for Huck Magazine.

NDACA is a heritage project looking at the UK’s Disability Arts Movement. I was interviewed for one their films. Click on the image below to link to the film.

Dolly Sen article
EUFAMI’s Article on Me – Click on the image to read

Dolly Sen -NUS disability history month
Dolly Sen -NUS disability history month. Proud to be part of the NUS Disabled History Month Postcard Campaign in 2017

Discussion on influence of Antipsychiatry on ‘Shy Radicals: The Antisystemic Politics Of The Militant Introvert’ with Hamja Ahsan and Dolly Sen
Wednesday 13th September,7pm
Entry £3, redeemable against any purchase

Hamja will be joined by Dolly Sen who will be exploring anti-psychiatry aspects of Shy Radicalism as well as talking about DSM 69, her parody of the Diagnostic Manual

At Housman’s Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road
King’s Cross
London N1 9DX

My DSM 69 Talk, Book Reading and Signing at the Bethlem Gallery at 3pm on 6th July. Click here for the eventbrite page 

I will be giving a talk on ‘Art in Mental Health Activism’ as part of the Antiuniversity Events of the summer. Click here for more info

My publisher has started a kickstarter to raise funds to do a print run of my upcoming book ‘DSM 69‘, subverting psychiatry through art and writing. Please donate and outsell DSM 5!

DSM 69 by Dolly Sen

My art has been used for the cover of Asylum Magazine. Read more about it and what else is in the issue here.

My article on the therapeutic relationship for Psychosis Journal 

An AQNB article of the SHAPE exhibition, which talks about my work

My interview with

Artist Interview with Shape Arts
Artist Interview with Shape Arts

My interview with Shape Arts

Open University Interview – mental health & creativity

Talking about creativity helping my mental health
Talking about creativity helping my mental health

My Interview with Sync about subversion in art 

Talking about subversion in my art
Talking about subversion in my art

Podcast about hearing voices 

Podcast about hearing voices
Podcast about hearing voices

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